Tips to find a perfect smartphone

Date : 4/20/2014  Author : Admin Back to News Listing

Today in India, almost all adults and most children have a smartphone. Man, it does not necessarily need, but now there are several situations that can be dealt with simply easier with a smartphone. Maps with GPS positioning, permanent Internet access and quick control via a touch screen are just very helpful. These core benefits can also be purchased without spending a lot of money . We explain what to look for when buying smartphone.

New features in the smartphone often really interesting only for a fraction of the user New smartphones often have functions that one can do with relative ease that one but as the greatest innovations are sold at the price to drive up. Have you had to unlock until recently the need her iPhone with the fingerprint? The new iPhone 5S mastered this, but really want to use this feature few users.

Also the cameras in new smartphones are getting better, although many users never make photos, or they look on a medium other than the phone screen itself, so that the high resolution does not come to bear.The high-resolution displays of many new mobile phones can be distinguished only by experts - the normal user often does not recognize the subtle enhancements, just as the slight nuances in the color representation and contrast range.

Buying criteria for your low-cost smartphone

The decision for a smart phone is of course a very individual thing and so we try here an overview of the most important criteria that you should consider when buying a smartphone to explain.


Clearly - even with the battery, there are potential savings, but should not be too stingy here, because with a smart phone whose battery lets not even for one day (yes, there is such a thing), you can start basically little.The information provided by the manufacturer during the runtime of batteries are often not completely correct so you should focus better on the power consumption of the battery. These should be above 1200 mAh lie, even better direction 1800 mAh or more, which we would then advance again in higher price ranges. It is also advantageous if you select a device whose battery can replace. To prolong the life of your smartphone if the battery loses its charge capacity.

Operating system

The operating system of your smartphone is crucial for how it feels like to use and what apps (applications on your smartphone) you will get access.

There are more than 6 providers for operating systems, but most smartphones run on Apple's "iOS" or Google's "Android" for which each is a huge range of apps. What apps currently are interesting, you betrayed as blog portals like Androidnext or smartphone love . Also, "Windows Phone" is a well-known operating system, but the app offer quite limited here. If you are an excessive user of Microsoft products, this operating system, however, may be the right choice for you, as these services are already well integrated. Also, the "Firefox OS" which has just come on the market can be interesting for beginners and bargain hunters. The operating system is based entirely on HTML5 apps and is so power and thus save costs.


The display is always a cost trap for many users. Let's be honest - how many times have you heard the saying, particularly by older people that the difference between HD and analog TV picture is not as easy perceptible? It is the same with the smartphone displays. While it is true that the new displays have more brilliance, luminosity and size but you really need that? In many cases, the answer is "no." However, the display accounts for a significant part of the price and therefore can be saved here as a rule. Really worse displays have more devices in the range below 5-10k and even that can still be perfectly adequate for many users. When buying on the size of the display, which has seen the impact on the usability, eg how much of a website on the display or how easy you meet small buttons with your finger. Our tip is to buy a display with at least 3.5 inches. 320 x 480 pixels should be the minimum, better 480 x 800 pixels. You may could resort to an OLED display to protect this particularly the smartphone battery.


The processor is responsible for how quickly the operation of mobile phones equipped goes. How long does it take to switch between apps. How long does it take to build a website? How liquid run 3D games? Moment - 3D games? Exactly - something you want to do not do on a budget smartphone. Therefore, the purchase of an expensive processor is obsolete! All processors with at least one gigahertz (1000Mhz) clocking sufficient for almost all areas of everyday life - really undemanding users ranging from 800Mhz also. Processors with double or even quadruple core are only useful for user performance hungry applications. This means you can save tons of money.

Main memory

The main memory is right after the processor is the most important factor for the speed of the smartphones and should be at least 512 MB, better but at 1GB. The amount of memory affected, for example, how many applications simultaneously on the phone can run smoothly. Again, this is an area of application which use many users not strong.


The memory of your smartphone is required to put there photos, MP3s or install apps from you. If you intend to perform many MP3s or the like on your smartphone, you should attach importance to a large memory.Most smartphones have an internal memory, some can be optionally expanded with a MicroSD card. Also note that apps often can only be installed on the internal memory, so this should not be too low. At least 500MB would be advisable here.

Network Support

There are many different mobile phone standards and your smartphone should support a pair of them.However, the latest standards must absolutely not be supported, because these data rates only help you with the video streaming or downloading large files, which use a lot of users usually not often. UMTS or 3G today support nearly all devices and it takes you in most cases also. Important is the WiFi feature, which allows you to access the Internet via a wireless network for many users.Thus, at home or in the office then the data plan from your wireless service provider shall be respected and save you money.


For the camera is for bargain hunters especially to say one thing: you take what you get. Expensive cameras drive up the price of many smartphones enormously in height and some smart phones are even extra advertised as a camera phone. Who wants to save money when buying requires no camera with 10 megapixels or flash. In the presence of a camera, you should generally but already emphasize in order to benefit from such apps as a "QR code scanner" or "Google Google" can. But again, you sure will have noticed yourself that this will be interesting for many users.